Tuesday, January 25, 2011


The kingdom of God is beyond the parameters of preference. Preference is the habitat for religion. Religion stifles people with tradition, ceremony, and rituals. Such tradition makes the power of God null and void, thus shaping citizens of God’s kingdom into a state of lower value of intended identity. What is that identity? Jesus called them “believers.”

A believer can bend reality at the name of their Savior. A believer can speak to the heart of a complete stranger. A believer can heal every sickness, disease, or infirmity. A believer can disrupt the norm with miracles. A believer can do the things that Jesus did and greater. He is your textbook. He is your God.

The key to upgrading life to the “new normal” is simple. The devil would like nothing more than to complicate it by telling you that you are too logical and analyze too much. The devil will attempt to hinder a receptive heart. Don’t let a loser lie to you. God doesn’t operate out of logic. You now have the mind of Christ and the faith of God, given to you by His Spirit which was poured out on you without measure.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit: words of knowledge, words of wisdom, faith, prophecy, discernment, healing, miracles, tongues and interpretation of tongues. These are for serving other people, revealing the tangible love of Jesus in a supernatural way through the power of the Holy Spirit. Anything from the Spirit is supernatural and cannot be attained by the strength, character, discipline, or striving of men. How do you walk in these gifts on a daily basis? How do you stir the gifts given by the Holy Spirit?

Assuming you have asked Jesus to baptize you in the Holy Spirit and have received it by faith, it is now time to build yourself up in your most holy faith to blaze a trail of signs and wonders pointing to Jesus.

Pray in tongues, listen to God, and respond knowing that His grace will meet whatever need to show His love.

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