Saturday, January 29, 2011

Welcome to Immersion Church!

Thank you for your interest in Immersion Church! Our vision is to reveal, impart, and demonstrate the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to Appalachian State University... affecting generations and nations.

At Immersion Church, we currently have three weekly meetings:

-Wednesday Worship @ 7:00pm in I.G. Greer Auditorium.

-Thursday Holy Spirit Party @ 7:00pm in the Attic Window Peak Room (Student Union behind Cascades)

-Sundays @ 10:30am - Rides from College St. Circle @ 10:00am in front of the parking garage behind the Belk Library.

This year, we are going to play a role in helping bring justice to victims of sex trade, feed the hungry, and show the love of Christ to all we encounter.

For any information, you may email us at or follow us on
Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot, or YouTube.

We hope you'll choose to become a vital part of the transformation that is revealing the love of Jesus Christ through the power of His Holy Spirit.

Jonathan and Keeli Fawcett
Pastors of I
mmersion Church

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dark Roots (Not a Hair Blog)

The fear of God is to hate what is evil. Idols and strongholds have been established to glorify and glamorize the demonic through entertainment and culture. High tolerance is not the way of love and neither is rebellion, no matter how worthy the cause may seem. Manipulating for the means of alteration in one’s perspective is witchcraft. Rebellion is the spirit of witchcraft. Words and influence can manipulate circumstances through deception and lies. This is a time to be cautious, alert, and aware. Not just in the natural, but in the spirit.

Witchcraft should not be glamorized, but it is. Vampires should not be glorified, but they are. Dark elements are at work in entertainment, books, media, the arts, and every realm imaginable. The last idea Christians should ever consider should be to bend at the knee to such tactics of the enemy for mere enjoyment or entertainment. The Word should renew our mind so we recognize the Lord’s voice. Too many voices equal too much influence coming into our lives. God is not the author of confusion and will not counter Himself with an opposite message.

If we believe in the Holy Spirit, then we believe in the spiritual realm. To believe that there is no harm in playing with fire is an invitation to getting burned. The same devil that wants you sick, crippled, broken, poor, depressed and dead is the same devil that is influencing this generation with a perverted supernatural. The goal is to stir fear. To live a life of fear is to have faith in the devil and to be expectant of evil.

Not everything is required to be redeemed. Jesus didn’t come to redeem the works of the devil. He came to destroy the works of the devil. A heightened fascination with evil and redeeming evil will only invite the unwelcomed. Satan cannot be redeemed. Sin cannot be redeemed. People can be.

How can you discern what’s acceptable and unacceptable? Look at the root. Know and understand the history. The origin will reveal the reality.

Fear tactics and all it entails are overcome by the Blood of Jesus. Christ has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and a sound mind. We, as believers, can now wield our authority in Christ to destroy the works of the devil in Jesus’ name.

If you feel you have been a victim of dark practices or have taken part in dark practices (such as witchcraft, incantations, séances, spell books, voodoo, hexes, astral projections, the occult, secret societies, psychics, tarot card reading, palm reading, fortune telling, yoga, witch doctor practices, worshiping nature, making sacrifices, viewing, watching, or listening to spiritually dark elements, or communicating with demons, ghosts, or the dead), know that God’s grace is sufficient and His power is greater than all principalities and demons combined. I would invite you to pray this:

Dead Lord Jesus,

I thank you that you overcame hell, death and the grave for me. The finished work on the cross saved, healed, and liberated me. In the name of Jesus Christ, I break every curse and affiliation I ever had with the enemy. I receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit to fill those places that were once dark. I am healed by your stripes, saved by grace through faith, and protected by your Blood. I love you Jesus! Amen.


The kingdom of God is beyond the parameters of preference. Preference is the habitat for religion. Religion stifles people with tradition, ceremony, and rituals. Such tradition makes the power of God null and void, thus shaping citizens of God’s kingdom into a state of lower value of intended identity. What is that identity? Jesus called them “believers.”

A believer can bend reality at the name of their Savior. A believer can speak to the heart of a complete stranger. A believer can heal every sickness, disease, or infirmity. A believer can disrupt the norm with miracles. A believer can do the things that Jesus did and greater. He is your textbook. He is your God.

The key to upgrading life to the “new normal” is simple. The devil would like nothing more than to complicate it by telling you that you are too logical and analyze too much. The devil will attempt to hinder a receptive heart. Don’t let a loser lie to you. God doesn’t operate out of logic. You now have the mind of Christ and the faith of God, given to you by His Spirit which was poured out on you without measure.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit: words of knowledge, words of wisdom, faith, prophecy, discernment, healing, miracles, tongues and interpretation of tongues. These are for serving other people, revealing the tangible love of Jesus in a supernatural way through the power of the Holy Spirit. Anything from the Spirit is supernatural and cannot be attained by the strength, character, discipline, or striving of men. How do you walk in these gifts on a daily basis? How do you stir the gifts given by the Holy Spirit?

Assuming you have asked Jesus to baptize you in the Holy Spirit and have received it by faith, it is now time to build yourself up in your most holy faith to blaze a trail of signs and wonders pointing to Jesus.

Pray in tongues, listen to God, and respond knowing that His grace will meet whatever need to show His love.

When Worlds Collide: The Kingdom Gospel

Jesus preached one gospel: The kingdom of God. It wasn’t the gospel of salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, healing, or prosperity. Those are all good, but they are not the gospel. Instead, they are portions of the gospel of the kingdom of God.

Jesus prayed for God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done. Everywhere Jesus went, He healed the sick, cast out demons, raised the dead, prophesied, and lived a life of signs and wonders confirming the Truth being preached. Jesus is the unchanging Word. Holy Spirit is the action confirming the Word. When we receive the fullness of God, we are empowered to speak the Word and, in faith, confirm the Word through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Advancing the kingdom requires faith. Don’t think of faith as a noun. In the kingdom, faith is more like a verb. We are to pray in faith. Faith requires action. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Jesus never commissioned anyone to preach the gospel of the kingdom without telling them to heal the sick.

Healing is a representation of the finished work of the cross. We are free from sickness as we are free from sin. It doesn’t mean we don’t sin (verb) but Jesus became sin (noun) when He died on the cross. When He was resurrected, sin did not come alive again. Sickness did not come back to life. By His stripes we were healed. Faith reaches into that moment and retrieves the healing available. We are free because the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead has filled us without limit.

The kingdom of God is righteousness, joy, and peace in the Holy Ghost. The kingdom isn’t warfare, striving, begging, wailing, impoverished or burdened. When Jesus said seek first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness, He was putting a double emphasis on righteousness. We are now the righteousness of God in Christ, not by our works, but by His grace. Jesus is righteousness. He is the king. The kingdom isn’t a means of gaining control or influence over people. The kingdom is Jesus and the kingdom lives inside of you: a temple without sin, sickness, pain, infirmity, addiction or transgression. In the kingdom you are free. As you go, preach the kingdom, heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, and cleanse the lepers. Freely you have received, now freely give.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Worship: Habitat for Holy Ghost

Seek first the kingdom of God and all of these things will be added unto you. The kingdom of God is not a means to an end. It is the end. The kingdom is righteousness, joy, and peace in the Holy Ghost. The kingdom is Jesus. When He is in us, His kingdom is in us. His rule and reign is in us. His freedom is in us. His healing is in us. When we worship, He overflows. God inhabits the praises of His people. What counts as praising Jesus?

When we think of praise and worship, our minds automatically go to Sunday morning music or the contemporary Christian radio station. By default, we have boxed ourselves in with a standard we have set in place by our preferences of praise. It's not all bad... It's just not all. Get out of the box!

It begins by abiding with Him. When you drive, you drive with Jesus. When you are in class, you are in class with Jesus. When you go to work, you go to work with Jesus. When you eat, you're eating with Jesus. When you wake up, live your day, and go to bed, you're abiding with Jesus. There is no formula to abiding. There is just love. Abiding is being aware of His constant unchanging presence and enjoying Him.

As you live your day, Jesus abiding with you will heal the classmate with a bad back. Jesus abiding with you will deliver your coworker from depression. Jesus abiding with you will give you an idea at your job that will prosper the entire business in your favor. Why? Because living a life of praise will allow Him to overflow and release His power, His kingdom, and His love.

You are the temple of the Holy Spirit!

Worship: Spirit of Prophecy

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. In worship, we declare the works of God, what He has done yesterday (past), today (present), and what He is going to do (future). The latter is prophecy. What He has done for us, in us, and through us is the testimony of Jesus. When we recognize what God has done, the spirit of prophecy will follow.

You can only remember what He has done. Remembering the breakthrough God has brought in our lives keeps us from returning to idols. As David said in Psalms 77:11-12,

"I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”

When Israel remembered what God had done, they prospered and did away with idols. When they neglected what God had done, they returned to their idols.

Remembering the testimony of Jesus, what He has done and is doing, stirs the spirit of prophecy: what is to come! Worship should be prophetic, declaring what Jesus is going to do. The Holy Spirit inhabits the praises of His people. If you need direction, encouragement and revelation from the Lord concerning your future, worship Him for what He has done to receive breakthrough.