Saturday, March 12, 2011

In the Soup

The finished work of the cross did not manifest on the day of Jesus’ death, nor did it come into fruition on the day of His resurrection. The finished work launched on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came. Jesus said it was expedient for Him to leave so that He could send what the Father promised. Enter Holy Spirit. He could not have sent Holy Spirit without His death and resurrection.

To have a God who is so slow to anger, we can be so quick to insult Him by substituting His Holy Spirit with programs, events, strategies, or seeker friendly methods for growing His church. In this place of comfort, religion, and man made authenticity, the church has been receiving its affirmation from man rather than from God.

“Why do I need the gifts?” some may ask.

To serve people and to show them that Jesus loves them.

“I don’t need supernatural healing. There’s medicine for that. I don’t need to speak in tongues. God can hear my prayers in my language.”

As true as that may be, it is the ministry of a believer to speak with new tongues and to heal the sick. We cannot limit God to our state of natural because when we do, we lose a generation to hell. The baptism of the Holy Spirit has nothing to do with your salvation, but it may have everything to do with someone else’s.

What happens when you’re in the soup? In trouble? When there are no natural means necessary and it’s either going to take a miracle or bust. Many cross a situation of this kind, leaving their true character exposed. What is revealed is often very ugly as ungodly beliefs make their way to the surface. Ungodly beliefs were not produced by these events, but they were revealed. This is why we must build ourselves up in our most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, keeping ourselves in the love of God.

One man, Jason Westerfield, founder of Kingdom Reality Ministries in New Haven, CT, is a believer who loves Jesus with His whole being. He is married with three children, two sons and a daughter. On his oldest son’s fifth birthday, his youngest son drowned. It was a time where flesh cannot overcome Spirit, where doubt cannot overtake faith, and where death cannot steal life. An emotional time of speaking life, praying in the Spirit, and believing the Word of God says that we, as sons and daughters of God, can raise the dead with the authority of Jesus Christ. His son was raised from the dead. When the unexpected hits, we are to be ready in season and out of season. We need to be equipped to believe that nothing is impossible with God. We do this by living a Spirit-filled life where know the Word of God, believe it’s Truth, train our ears to listen to God, pray in tongues, and respond to what He says.

Think about this. Jesus' disciple Luke was a doctor. How many times did Jesus look at Luke and say, "What do you think this guy's condition is? Do you think you can sow him up? What kind of treatment does he need?" Of course not! Jesus gave Luke power and authority to heal all sicknesses and to cast out demons! Not by natural means but by imparting that supernatural power and later by baptizing Luke in the Holy Spirit! Luke not only wrote the "Gospel of Luke" but also the Book of Acts! God's Supernatural > Natural and Luke knew it.

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